Will write For Money: how Freelancing Can support Your travels

In this new world of Internet magazines, guest posting and online columns, the line between journalist and blogger is becoming blurred. These days, if you enjoy writing, you can find paid work writing for websites and it’s a terrific way to support your travels.

You may think that this online job / travel job is only for bloggers, but that is untrue. Sure, if you have a blog, you automatically have an online portfolio that perspective employers can browse through, but you don’t need one to be a freelance writer. anyone can get paid to write online and it’s one of the best ways we know how to make money online and really get paid to travel and / or make money from home.

Where To Look

If you’re going to start looking for paid writing gigs online, you’ll need to know where to look. First, you’ll have to figure our what you’re passionate about. Do you enjoy gardening? Being a parent? Yemek pişirmek? Whatever your passion may be, you’ll have much more success finding work if you write about something you enjoy, rather than simply searching for the highest profits.

Since you’re reading this site, I’ll assume your passion is travel! Well there are a ton of online magazines, websites, blogs and journals that are willing to pay travel writers for their work. A terrific resource for finding freelance work is FreelanceWriting.com, where you’ll find a substantial list of websites that are willing to pay writers for blog posts.

Average Pay

Each website will have its own budget for paying writers, for example: Goats On The Road’s budget is $0. but most larger publications will pay anywhere from $25 – $250 for an article, though the average rate is between $50 – $150. expect to be paid at the lower end of this scale at first, and then as you build up a reputation on the site, the webmaster may start to pay you a bit more.

The Pitch (And The Strikes)

Most, if not all of your article pitches will be sent via email, which means that you’ll be up against hundreds of other people trying to publish articles. The key is to be different and sound personal in the first couple of lines of your email. Don’t sound too professional or too automated, because the moderator may just “junk” your email before reading it through. Webmasters are swamped with spam and many of us don’t have time to search through all the fake emails to find a terrific one.

Make sure to mention the site you’re pitching to in the first few lines. explain why you like the site and maybe even mention your favourite article that went up recently. Then, start a bit of name dropping. tell them about your blog (if you have one). tell them about any schooling you’ve had in writing. Brag about other places you’ve had your work published and explain why your style of writing is perfect for TheirSite.com!

It should also be noted that when you’re pitching articles, you’re bound to strike out sometimes. Actually, you’ll probably have far more strikes than home runs, so be patient and don’t take it personal. I recently pitched 4 separate articles to GoNomad.com and ended up landing the piece on tee-ball. three strikes doesn’t always mean you’re out and while you shouldn’t harass the editors, you may want to try a few different approaches before giving up entirely.

Here’s an idea of what your pitch email may look like:

Sevgili editör,

I’ve been reading ExampleSite.com for quite some time and I find myself living vicariously through many of the travel stories. I especially like the recent article “My trip To Somethingstan”.

My name is ______ and I run the popular travel blog ExampleBlog.com, where I share my story with a large audience of like-minded travellers.

I have been featured in _____, ______ and more. I have a terrific article idea and I think it would be perfect for ExampleSite.com.

The article is called “The best example Of A Pitch Article” and it … (briefly explain article here).

I really hope that this is the type of article you’re looking for sometime in the near future. I would love to have my first piece published in ________ Magazine!

If you have any questions about the article or about my writing history, please feel free to contact me at any time. If the idea above isn’t what you’re looking for, please let me know. I have plenty more ideas!

Vakit ayırdığınız ve değerlendirdiğiniz için teşekkürler.



Another option is to send the entire draft copy of the article, but if you go this route, you should have complete trust in the person you are sending it to because they could easily publish it without crediting you at all. Also, if you decide to send entire articles, make sure you’re not sending the article to multiple site owners because if two people acceptit, you’ll have to turn one of them down.

Duplicate content Is A No-No!
Google and other search engines penalize bloggers and webmasters if they publish duplicate content. That means that whatever articles you publish online must be completely original and can’t be published anywhere else on the web.

Know Thy Audience

Whenever you pitch an article to a website, you should first know the site’s audience. A lot of sites that are willing to pay for articles will be looking for pieces with a journalistic approach (ie: less “I’s” more “you’s”). These types of articles tend to be more difficult to write and the editors for such sites are typically more choosy about who they hire for the posts.

Not all sites are looking for journalists however, especially in the travel field. You may find quite a few paying sites that are looking for first hand accounts of amazing travel stories. This is where the everyday traveller can really make some money from their writing. try writing the pieces in a way that will appeal to a broad audience and you should be able to find someone who will pay you for it!

No matter how you write, make sure you match your writing style to the site you are pitching. read some of their most popular posts and try to get a feel for what kind of posts the site is looking for. are there a lot of lists (ie: 10 ways To Make money Freelancing)? are there news stories, travel tales, interviews? If you try to pitch an article with the same tone as others already published, you’ll have a much better chance of getting the job.

Article Ideas

If you’re a traveller, you’ll probably have a ton of stories and ideas about travel, but we all hit a brick wall sometimes and just can’t think about what to write. here are some terrific ways to think of new posts when you’re having a bad case of blogger’s block.

• travel stories – These will probably be your “go-to” posts. write about a recent travel experience and pitch it to your favourite site. (i.e: “Horse Trekking High In The Mountains Of Kyrgyzstan” & “One Steppe Ahead: Trekking into The unknown Mongolia“).

• Lists – probably the most popular style of article in travel writing today, lists are terrific attention grabbers. (i.e. “5 countries You never thought You’d Visit… until Now!” & “10 Must-Try meals From around The Globe“) 

• Reviews – In the travel field, reviews are a very popular type of post and they can get a lot of search engine traffic. review your backpack, your laptop or a hotel! (i.e. “Dariece’s backpack – Osprey Kestrel 32 Review” & “Accommodation spotlight – Victoria house Belize“)

• Instructional – How To’s, Guides and Tutorials. Instructional posts should be helpful, interesting and comprehensive. (i.e: “Guide To Backpacking Thailand” & “How To find The perfect house sitting Job“)• Informational – how do you think Wikipedia became so popular? almost all web traffic starts from the user searching for information.• interviews – Interviews are a terrific way to connect with your favourite bloggers, and use their audience to boost the social presence of your writing. • Rant – Travelling usually comes with a lot of passion. You might hate or love certain aspects of the lifestyle. Rant about it. get controversial and you’ll probably get a lot of attention. DİKKAT! These types of posts typically attract a lot of negative comments, so make sure you have thick skin!• Inspirational – If you’re writing about how much you hate something in a rant, then you can also write about how much you love something. inspirational posts are terrific for travel writing and they help give people new ideas.For more terrific article ideas, check out pro Blogger’s “20 types of blog Posts: battling Writer’s Block“.

Titles, Titles, Titles!

When you’re pitching your article to perspective publishers, make sure that you have a catchy title. It is said that 80% of all web users click on an article based on the title alone. That means that once you’ve written a catchy title, you’ve already made 80 cents on every dollar the post is worth!

Here are a few types of titles you can use:

Questions: Why is freelance writing the best way to make money online?

Guides: The ultimate guide To Freelance Writing

Lists: 10 ways Freelance writing Can change Your Life

Discussions: Would you ever quit your job to become a freelance writer?

Comparisons: Freelancing vs travel Blogging: Which Is better For Making money Online?

Controversy: Freelance writing is better than travel Blogging

Blog or No Blog

Bloggers will definitely have a bit of an advantage when it comes to freelancing. Not only do they have an onliNE portföyü, ancak sektörde bilinen isimler için yazma şansı daha yüksektir. Serbest çalışma blogcular için de müthiştir, çünkü bir blogunuz varsa, web’de başka bir yerde yazdığınız makalelerden sitenize geri dönebilirsiniz. Bu günlerde bağlantılar değerlidir, bu nedenle yazmak için para alıyorsanız ve sitenize saygın alanlardan bağlantılar alıyorsanız, bu gerçekten bir kazan-kazan.

Ama ya blogunuz yoksa?

Hala serbest olabilirsin! Endişelenmeyin, yazınız yeterince iyi ise ve hikayeleriniz zorlayıcıysa, insanlar bunları sitelerinde yer almak isteyecektir. En sevdiğiniz seyahat hikayesini, deneyimini veya bilgiyi alın ve en sevdiğiniz bloga sunun.

Seyahat için ödeme yapmak için ekstra nakit kazanmanın başka yollarını mı arıyorsunuz? Hiç para için ücretli çevrimiçi anketler almayı düşündünüz mü? Birkaç dakika içinde kaydolabilir ve bugün biraz fazla para kazanmaya başlayabilirsiniz.

Bir kariyer yapmak

Artık serbest yazmanın nasıl çalıştığı, nerede iş bulabileceğiniz ve ne kadar yapabileceğiniz konusunda temel bir fikriniz var, ancak günlük işinizi bırakmayı ve henüz tam zamanlı olarak serbest olmaya başlamayı beklemeyin! Makaleler sunarken becerilerinizi geliştirmek ve başarı oranınızı artırmak çok zaman alacaktır. Daha önce çalıştığınız birkaç yayıncınız olduğunda, ücretli konserler bulmak daha kolay ve kolaylaşacaktır. Tanıdık sitelere geri dönebilir ve deneyiminiz hakkında yenilerine övünebilir ve adınızı ne kadar çok alırsanız, o kadar çok sitenin sizinle iletişime geçmesi muhtemeldir!

Her biri 100 $ ‘dan 15 makale / ay almayı başarabiliyorsanız, kendinizi tam zamanlı bir serbest yazar olarak görebilirsiniz!

Son düşünceler

Bugünlerde çoğu gezgin seyahatlerinin bir tür rekorunu tutuyor. İster bir blog, bir dergi olsun, aileye eve e -posta gönderir veya sadece bir not defterinde notlar, hepimiz seyahat anılarımızı not etmeyi seviyoruz. Neden bu anılardan para kazanıp onları en sevdiğiniz seyahat web sitelerinin editörlerine sunmuyorsunuz?! Sadece 100 $ / makale yapabiliyorsanız ve gün / gün / gün için seyahat ediyorsanız, seyahatlerinizi desteklemek için her 4 günde bir makale yapmanız gerekir! İlk birkaç kez reddedilseniz bile, denemeye devam edin. Web, farklı nişlerde farklı sitelerle doludur ve her zaman eğlenceli, ilginç ve benzersiz içerik arıyorlar… tıpkı sizinki gibi!

Feragatname: Yoldaki Keçiler, Amazon Ortak ve diğer bazı perakendeciler için bir ortaklıktır. Bu, blogumuzdaki bağlantıları tıklatıp bu perakendecilerden satın alırsanız komisyon kazandığımız anlamına gelir.